Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation

Achieve Maximum Independence
Whether you’re recovering from injury or illness, our intensive acute inpatient rehabilitation program at Weiss Memorial Hospital is designed to help you reach maximum independence throughout your stay. Our program is designed to prepare you for life outside of the hospital so that you can maintain a more active, healthy lifestyle.
Our acute inpatient program at Weiss Memorial Hospital includes daily physical intervention with at least three hours of skilled therapy services every weekday. The program also includes 24-hour rehab nursing care to ensure your safety and comfort during your stay.
Your length of stay is determined early in your stay, and is based on your individual needs and the goals that you and your doctors decide are appropriate. The average length of our inpatient rehab is 10 days, but your stay may vary from a few days to a few weeks depending on your needs.
To contact the Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation program, please call our admissions phone at (773) 564-5422.
Types of Activities Acute Inpatient Rehab Will Help With
With such a diverse group of experts, the acute inpatient rehab program is able to address a wide range of needs and help with tasks that are important to you.
Physical functions such as strength and mobility can be improved by working with a physical therapist. The exercises and activities performed are designed to help you restore your optimal physical function to maintain wellness and fitness and to improve overall quality of life.
You may work with an occupational therapist who will focus on activities that are centered on maximizing your independence surrounding basic daily life needs. For instance, you may focus on learning to eat, dress, or bathe more independently, or on activities such as cooking or cleaning.
If you are experiencing the effects of stroke, head injury, neurological disease, or head or neck cancer, you may benefit from working with a speech therapist. Your time together will focus on deficit areas such as speech and language disorders, cognitive impairments, voice pathologies or swallowing difficulties.
Patient-Centered Care
The mission for the rehab team at Weiss Memorial Hospital is to get patients closer to home one step at a time and our vision is to do this through patient-centered, individualized care from PEOPLE, not ROBOTS.
Our acute inpatient rehab team includes experts from many specialties, including:
- Occupational therapists
- Rehabilitation nurses
- Social workers
- Speech language pathologists
- Physiatrists
- Physical therapists
- Psychiatrists
- Psychologists
Your primary doctor is also kept up-to-date on your progress and is encouraged to be part of your care.
Need Help?
Get on the road to recovery.
4646 N. Marine Drive
Chicago, IL 60640 Weiss Memorial Hospital
Inpatient Rehab During COVID-19
In these videos you will learn how our Inpatient Rehabilitation Department has responded to the COVID pandemic. We have developed best practices for treating COVID-19 patients while ensuring the safety of all of our patients.
At Weiss, we’ve used technology during the pandemic to connect patients and families during occupational and physical therapy treatment sessions. Families see their loved ones improving and celebrate their progress.
We’ve adjusted our caregiver training, family education and communication methods between patients and loved ones to enable our patients to successfully transition home after COVID-19.
What if I Don’t Need Inpatient Rehabilitation?
If you’re looking for a less intensive rehabilitation program, we also offer rehab services on an outpatient basis.
Stroke Rehabilitation
Stroke rehabilitation often begins within the first 24 to 48 hours after the stroke when nurses and other medical personnel work to prevent problems such as stiff joints, falls, bedsores, and pneumonia.